- easy to carry anywhere.
- can run through small battery.
- good replacement for student notebook.
- a combined tool because you can put every program you need in school(e.g. calculator, C++, microsoft word, excel, and every download-able stuff).
- mini-dvd player. for boredom
- music player
- free internet (as long as a wi-fi signal is available).
- small storage space.
- low graphics for certain applications
- can't play my favorite computer games^^(hehe that's what im talkin about)
- damage prone (physical damage or viruses), but almost dependent on the user.
- hard to find components

- easy to customize: parts are easy to buy and will fit for an average budget
- therefore having all application can be operated by having customized components
- suitable for my computer games^^(that's Good!!)
- Big screen!! (for a 300$ budget)
- professional looking when you are using
- easy to upgrade
- can be used only when there's an electric outlet free to use
- too heavy^_^
- occupying a real huge space.
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